Ariana Dagan

Herbs 101: Starting a Budget Friendly Herb Garden in 6 Affordable Steps!

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So you’ve reached the point in your cooking career where store bought herbs aren’t cutting it anymore. When fresh is best and store bought bottles don’t cut it and homemade is the only thing that will do. Time to start your own herb garden!

The great news is, it’s easy! And can be as cheap and frugal and versatile as you need. So let’s walk through how to start a frugal herb garden of your own!

How to Start a Budget Friendly Herb Garden by Ariana Dagan


The first step is figuring out what herbs you need! It’s tempting to grow them all, and it’s even tempting to buy kits, after all they save money right? They might, but only If those are the herbs you want! So make a list. Feel free to make it a long list and shorten it later if need be.

Here are some questions to help you think about your list:

Generally it’s recommended to start your garden smaller the first year, but don’t be afraid if your list is long, you can do it! Besides you can also narrow the list down as we go!


The next step is deciding where you want to grow your garden. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Indoor Garden:

Outdoor Garden:

There are TWO things your herbs need to thrive: space and light (well, okay three: water but that can be provided manually). To figure out if an indoor or outdoor garden will work better for you, consider your home and the amount of herbs you want to grow. A small kitchen isn’t the perfect place for a dozen herbs, but a big patio is! At the same time,a large kitchen means lots of room, but if there is not enough sun it will mean you need to supplement light. Doable, but something to keep in mind for frugal needs!

Another important thing to consider before growing outdoors, is your zone. Areas in North America are divided into hardiness zones, which can tell you what plants will grow well there and which won’t. It’s important to keep an eye on this because climate changes have caused shifts in the zones throughout the years. You can find your zone by searching your zip code at the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map Website! Once you know your zone, you can get a slightly more personalized guide to how to garden in your area!

Make sure you research the herbs you’re considering to find out how much space and light they each need! As you are making these considerations, carefully look over your list and remove any herbs that might not work for you after all.

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Now that you know WHAT you will grow, and WHERE you will grow it, you need to figure out HOW you will grow it! Here are the basic supplies you will need:

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Now lets break this down one-by-one!


To grow anything you’ll need seeds. Some plants can be regrown from store bought plants. I won’t touch on this, so feel free to google your plants to see if that’s an option for you! If it is, it can be a great resourceful and frugal way to start a garden!

You can buy seeds practically anywhere, especially during spring time! I buy majority of my seeds from the grocery store (Winco sells them for $1 a packet!) and MIGardener – they have a fantastic supply of heirloom seeds for $1 a packet (not an affiliate, I just love the resources, prices, and have had over 95% germination with their seeds)! However, there are many fantastic seed companies out there so look around and check reviews! But I don’t recommend buying from hardware stores, as they tend to be the most expensive around and the least variety!

I also don’t recommend buying bulk seeds your first year. Find out what you enjoy growing, what grows well where you are, and what you end up using the most and least! After the first year, you can buy seeds in bulk and save money going forward!

Light Source

My garden was outdoors, because of this, I needed to start my seeds indoors while the outside temperature was still low (check your zone for these details). If you’re starting an outdoor garden inside, you’ll need a temporary set up to allow your seeds to germinate. A south facing window is the easiest and cheapest option! Allowing your plants to get lots of sunlight for the longest amount of time. If you can’t swing it, or shade comes early, you’ll have to supplement with a growing light. There are tons of options out there, I bought a simple dual head strip light:

It has worked fantastically to provide a little boost of light after my window has gone to shade. Plus you can’t beat the price! They have various sizes including one head, three heads, even full spectrum hanging lights that provide full coverage if you have a lot of plants!

If your garden is inside, then the same rules should apply to you. Hopefully you have an area in your kitchen with lots of light. If you don’t you’ll have to grab something that can supplement it!

Soaking Spot

Soaking your seeds prior to planting is not a necessity, but I highly recommend it! Simply get cups or muffin tins. Drop the number of seeds you need for each plant into each cup and fill with HOT water – not boiling, but as hot as your tap will go! Make sure you label each cup so you don’t get the seeds mixed up! Soak at least 12 hours to break up the outside protective layer on the seeds, but no more than 48 hours. 24 hours is the perfect sweet spot for your seeds! Doing so should cut down germination by at least a week! Plant your seeds immediately after soaking!

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Starter Pods

Starter pods are strictly for plants you plan to grow outside. This means you’ll be starting them inside, so they need something to grow in temporarily. You could always grab some seed starter cells such as these Burpee Seeding Cells.

They are great at controlling water intake and taking a lot of the guesswork out of starting seeds. However they are expensive!

So lets look at some frugal options as well!


If you’re planting inside, skip directly to this step! If you’ve already started your seeds, now you’re ready to plant them! We’ve talk about it briefly above, but lets get a little more specific for frugal ideas! Remember, each herb will have a preferred size and height so keep that in mind as you choose where and how to plant it! 

Planting Inside:

You could run out and buy kitchen herb garden kits, small planters, mini buckets, even pretty wall mounted hanging pieces…or you could: 

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Planting Outdoors:

You could run out and buy herb garden kits, planters, build raised beds, even substantial wall mounted pieces…or you could: 

Water Source

As previously mentioned, water can be brought in manually, sun is harder (and more expensive) to bring in, so choose your location based on the sun rather than water. A watering can, a hose, even just a cup full of water can work in a pinch for bringing water to your new babies. Make sure you have at least two ways of getting water to your plants in case of emergency! For a frugal tip, try setting up a rain barrel in your backyard to catch rainwater that you can use to water your plants throughout the year. It probably won’t be enough water, but anything helps! 


Nothing fancy required! Scrap of paper, notebook, digital notepad on your phone, etc! Just use it to record everything you do for your plants! Every time you water, the day you plant, the day you harvest, any time you add food or fertilizer, anytime you run into a pest or the weather changes etc! These notes may not seem like much in the beginning, but as the season progresses, you’ll need this information to understand why your plants change colors, why certain pests or fungus appear, and you can use that information to fix or at least make sure it doesn’t happen next year! 


Now that you understand all the basics and supplies to starting a garden, lets put it all together in 6 easy steps! 

  1. Choose your herbs
  2. Choose your location (indoor/outdoor)
  3. Soak seeds
  4. Plant seeds
    • Indoors, plant once.
    • Outdoors, start indoors and transplant outdoors after established!
  5. Water
  6. Keep notes! 

Remember, each herb will have a set of rules – a time of year it needs to be started or planted, how deep it needs to be planted, the amount of sun or shade or water it requires, an amount of space around it, the height it gets to, and how to prune it! It’s a lot to keep track of, so make sure you keep good notes, its better to keep “too many” than not enough! 

After your plants start coming in, don’t forget to check out Herbs 101: Harvesting and Preserving!

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