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Bucket lists have developed some stigmas in recent years. Everything from fears of dying to simply being a trendy buzzword after the movie came out. But the reality is, a bucket list has nothing to do with either of those. It should be personal to you, your interests, your desires. It shouldn’t be something you create on your deathbed, it shouldn’t even be something you aspire to complete (at least not quickly). The point of a bucket list is to inspire you, motivate you, help you not only achieve dreams, but simply create them.
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How a bucket list can change your life
Life is short. And we should take advantage of every second we are here to do things we enjoy, to try new things, and spend time with those we love. A bucket list isn’t something to go around bragging about, and it doesn’t even need to be written down.
The point is to DREAM, to think of new ideas of things to do and accomplish and visit – and then find a way to “cross it off”.
If you have an impulsive personality you may not need to write it down because as soon as an idea comes to you, you jump at the opportunity! If you’re a planner, or a budgeter, or a cautious personality, you may need to take some time to figure out the details to achieve them. There is nothing wrong with either approach or anything in between as long as you are coming up with ideas and working towards them.
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1 | Forces you to reevaluate your life
Setting down some time to consider what you really want out of life, no matter how big or small forces you to reevaluate you are doing and what you may want to do. Society has a way of pushing us down a single road: college, marriage, kids, the big house with the white picket fence, etc. When people stray from that society doesn’t appreciate it. However straying from that is the only reason technology advances, the only reason new things are invented, and the only way great people make history. So don’t be afraid to reevaluate your needs and dreams. Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd and say “actually, I really want to do ______ instead”!
2 | Pushes you out of your comfort zone
Jumping out of your comfort zone is the only way to push past the status quo, break the mold and make a difference. So sit down, get uncomfortable and reevaluate your life by discovering what dreams YOU want to accomplish, not the dreams society tells you to have. Analyze where you are in life, what got you to this point, and where to go from here.
Your comfort zone only serves to keep you comfortable, while a list of dreams to accomplish exists outside of that. Stepping outside of that boundary will shape you into a more confident human being, a more productive member of your community, teach you lessons you didn’t know you needed to learn and push you towards new goals you never could have imagined possible!
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3 | Creates motivation and excitement
Nothing creates excitement quite like jumping into something new and fun and there is no better way of motivating that than creating goals you can’t wait to achieve. A bucket list does exactly that! You’ve done the groundwork, reevaluating your life and dreaming big. Now you get to ride that high of excitement as it motivates you to cross items off that list!
Lists are naturally inspiring as they generate additional excitement and confidence each time you work towards something and physically cross it off!
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4 | experience equals memories
Maybe making memories isn’t the most important thing in the world, or maybe it is. Experiences shape you. They make you a better person, they make you more wise and better suited to making decisions down the line. Experience helps you understand different perspectives and see the world differently,
Memories are created from experiences, both good and bad, tragic and fun, small and big. Life becomes more interesting when its full of memories – even the tough ones. Remember, tough experiences are simply life lessons so you don’t repeat it. So take advantage, live your life for the experience and share that with others. Doing so not only allows you to share your memories and wisdom with others, but it leaves behind a legacy for others to remember you by as well.
So what are you waiting for? Sit down and start dreaming! It will only make you a better person for your friends and family, your community, and most importantly – yourself!
Do you have a bucket list? Share your bucket list ideas below!
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