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We all know the benefits of getting up early, and being productive before the stressers of the day beat us down. However, building up momentum to be effectively productive early in the morning is a learned trait. But if you can create a morning ritual to look forward to, your day will go much smoother! So let’s discuss 10 things you can do in the first hour of waking, that will create the perfect (and easy!) ritual to spark productivity!
1 | Drink water
If you only do one thing in the first hour you wake, make it drinking a cup of water. Besides hydrating you, drinking in the first hour will wake up your metabolism, and give your brain fuel which will provide you more energy to take on the day. It’s easy. Whether you like your water warm or cold, or with a lemon slice, just fill it up and chug, and it will give you the energy to move onto the second task.
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2 | Stretch it Out
Maybe you’re (trying to be) an early riser so you can get your daily workout in – that’s awesome! But if you’re not, you should still get some stretches in. Even two minutes of stretching will wake up your body, wake up your brain, and give you boundless energy first thing in the morning. Do a couple of your favorite yoga poses, or a run around the block or even a full on HIIT workout to get the blood flowing!
TIP: Working out doesn’t need to be expensive! Here are some tips to make it easy on the budget:
- Use older clothes to workout in
- A towel on the floor for grip
- Water jugs make great weights
- Chairs work as risers
- Turn on YouTube and free Apps for some amazing HIIT workouts!
3 | Get Fresh Air
A super easy way to wake up your brain is to step outside and take a nice deep breath of fresh air! Not only will the cold air wake up your brain, the deep breath will open up your lungs, giving you the confidence to stand tall and tackle the day!
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4 | Wash Your Face
No matter which step this becomes in your daily routine, it should definitely be in there somewhere. Nothing leaves you feeling ready for the day like a clean face. Wash the dirt and oils from the night away, and start your day off right. Whether you do it in the shower, or after your glass of water there is no reason not to do it! Keeping your face clean leaves your pores smaller, makes you less prone to acne, and leaves you feeling accomplished! Don’t forget to moisturize after to keep the hydration!
TIP: Tight on budget? Here are some wallet friendly ingredients for keeping clean!:
- Coconut oil is great for sensitive skin
- Oatmeal is perfect for combination skin
- Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing for acne prone skin
5 | Meditate
You don’t need to sit in a quiet corner and stop thinking (unless that’s your preference). But sitting quietly and taking in the moment can be life altering. By slowing your breathing and letting the energy of the morning in; you can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your creativity and boost your memory! Plus its free, takes on a few minutes to press pause on life and let the universe lead your way!
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6 | Plan your day
You don’t need to invest in a full on planner, you don’t need to consult your calendar, or time block your day (although if those work for you then please do it)! You just simply need to prepare yourself. Quickly take a moment to mentally scan your day; contemplate the places you will go, the people you will see, the tasks you need to complete. When possible try to combine things such as errands that need to be run in a close vicinity. Taking a moment to visualize your day will save you time during the rest of your day, and help you be more productive straight from the start.
These easy 6 tasks can be accomplished for free in the comfort of your own home, in less than 15 minutes total! So why not? Take 15 minutes (or multitask when you can) and start your day off right!
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What other quick tips would you add to this list?