Ariana Dagan

Hashtags are Crucial to Your Blog – Learn How to Find and Use Them + FREE Worksheets

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Oh hashtags, I still remember when they were fun and the purpose was to tell silly stories. Okay I suppose that was never really their purpose, but it’s definitely how they were used in the beginning. A picture of your home baked cookies may read #cookiesforlunch #dontjudgeme #omnomnom and #goodbyecookies – totally useless for tagging, but so much fun to write and read.

Then one day the masses realized the potential of hashtags, and a whole new world was born. Nowadays its impossible to get anywhere in your business or blog without using hashtags in some way. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter and so on rely heavily on hashtags. I  don’t know about you, but I have 5 distinct categories in my blog, and they don’t use the same hashtags to market. So what do you do? Search each time you post? Make things up as you go along? Input stuff and hope for the best?

Personally, I spent a few hours searching hashtags for each section, came up with approximately 30-60 hashtags for each TYPE of content I want to publish, and then organized them on a Spreadsheet. There are two main problems with this system:

  1.  90%+ of my blog content is on printed pages, so using a digital program to organize something didn’t work out as well. Of course I could print it, but if something changed, I’d have to go back into the program, edit it, and then reprint.
  2. Most of the places I’m posting to (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) are done via my mobile device. Which means I have to be on my computer to get a hold of my spreadsheet to see what hashtags I need to use.

It was time to add my hashtags to my blog binder. So I created this handy hashtag tracker, it allows me to list out all hashtags I can potentially use for a topic, including the current post count, any notes I need to make about the hashtag (only active on Tuesday’s, post after 4pm, check this account for the daily hashtag etc.), and finally which social media accounts its good for. But first, you need hashtags! So click the graphic below to download your hashtag tracker to get started and follow along with my process for finding the best hashtags!

1 |The first step to finding hashtags is to list out all of the main TYPES of content you will be posting. Are you posting articles? Do you have some distinctive categories you would be posting? Jot those down on the Brainstorm Page. Do you post quotes or personal pictures? List out everything you will be posting and need hashtags specific to. To make it easier on you, try to combine similar categories – that’s where having 30-60 unique hashtags comes in handy. I have 5 main categories on my blog, plus one additional type of content I put on Instagram, giving me 6 categories. that means everything I post will fall under one of those unique categories. You may have more, or less than me!

2 | Next, you need to create some ‘rules’ for yourself and know what to look for in a Hashtag. There are many schools of thought when it comes to hashtags, and much of it depends on the day and the social media account. I won’t make specific recommendations simply because that’s not the focus of this blog post, and that information would be dated pretty quickly. But here are some general rules that I personally follow, jot down anything you want to apply as your own rule on the Notes Page:

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3 | Once you’ve separated out your categories its time to start finding hashtags! Here are the 7 main ways I find great hashtags, use the Note Page in the download to keep track of the hashtags you find:

4 | Time to narrow down! Apply the rules you’ve thought about and write down your choice hashtags under each applicable category on the Hashtag Organizer Page, use one sheet for each distinct category/type you will be posting. Record how many posts there are currently, which social media account you will using it for, and any other applicable notes for yourself. Try to record at least 30 for each category type so you can vary which hashtags you use for each post, instead of copy/pasting the same each time!

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And that’s it! Follow those four easy steps to build your hashtag list, so next time you go to post on social media, the hard part is already done for you! Any other tips you would suggest? Drop your comments and suggestions below!


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