Ariana Dagan

Overwhelmed with tasks for your new business? FREE Evaluation Checklist

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New Business Evaluation Worksheet by Ariana Dagan

Hello mama-bear-preneurs! If you’re a newer business, still in the planning stages, or maybe even been hustling for a bit and feel like you might be missing something…you probably are! There is so much to keep track of when starting a business. And truthfully, there’s a lot that you might not even need either.

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So before you launch, it’s important to take a good hard look at what you’ve put together – not just to check the spelling and grammar, although that’s a good idea as well! But make sure you’ve hit all the important areas to cover your bases. That’s why I created the New Business Evaluation. Check off everything you’ve done your due diligence in researching, setting up, and getting started and tally up everything left to do so you can be better prepared for where to focus your energy next. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are overwhelmed with all of the tasks. But if you take a deep breath and dive in one step at a time, you’ll be through it in no time!

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The New Business Evaluation checklist covers the bare bones basics in 8 need-to-consider categories. While not a full and exhaustive to-do list, it is definitely the perfect jumping off point to get you started down the path of success. Categories include:

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Click the graphic below to grab your New Business Evaluation and find focus today!

Or click HERE to download.
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