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My husband is a huge Star Wars fan, can’t say I’m totally on board, but I’m not offended by it either. Our house is covered in Star Wars memorabilia and I swear half of my daughters closet is full of related goodies as well. This is only one of many Star Wars books she has in her library! Read on to here my review of 5-Minute Star Wars Stories!

[RELATED: Children’s Book Review]

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5-Minute Star Wars Stories

Written by: Walt Disney Company Illustration Team
Illustrated by: Walt Disney Company Illustration Team
Pages: 176
Age Range: 4+
Publisher: Disney Lucas Film Press (2015)
ISBN: 978-1484728208

What you’ll find: Star Wars, Disney, Leia, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, r2D2, Rey

With 11 short stories at five minutes or less, 5-Minute Star Wars Stories is a fantastic addition to anyone’s library (child or adult). There is one story each for episodes 1-3, and two stories each for episodes 4-7. As you would imagine, the stories are scaled way down to its simplest form (without the scary parts) for children of all ages to enjoy. But it doesn’t take away from the adventure, and the classic stories that make Star Wars what it is. For younger kids I think it would be a great introduction to the Star Wars universe, to allow them to meet the characters and get a basic understanding of the plot without big spoilers before watching the movies.

I can imagine my daughter loving the stories and illustrations as she gets a bit older, but I can also see her using this as a first-reader as well! There are action scenes, battles, emotional turmoil and dialog – well, at least kid friendly versions of each! For die-hard Star Wars fans, be prepared these are not full recaps of the movies, but instead tiny recaps of various scenes from various movies.

Personally, I love the 5-minute story format, it’s a great way to get more use out a book, and fit more stories on your book shelf! The book itself is really nice looking, with a padded hard cover and nice thick pages.

Would I recommend: Absolutely! I’m not even a Star Wars fan, but the stories are adorable and I love the artwork! As I previously mentioned, it’s definitely a simplified version of the movies, so I recommend die-hard fans to take a deep breath and ask if they are okay with that before purchasing, maybe even check it out at the library before. I think its the perfect introduction for kids into the Star Wars universe and characters, but anyone expecting ‘the Star Wars story’ may not like what they find!

What do you think? Is this book in your collection, or do you think you’ll add it? Let me know your thoughts below!

In The Photo: Towel | Fabric | C-3PO | Darth Vader | Light Saber

5 Minute Star Wars Stories Children's Book Review by Ariana Dagan

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About Ariana Dagan

Welcome! I live in Northern California with my husband, daughter, and a dog. I'm an artist, crafter, illustrator, and creative mentor. I'm on a mission to create a culture of happier, thriving creators! I help others scratch that creative itch so you can reclaim your time, rediscover your identity, and reach new levels of success in your endeavors (and yes peace of mind is a VERY worthy endeavor). This site is a place to find value in your voice and strength to become the best version of yourself so you can go from simply existing day-to-day to LIVING ON PURPOSE through creativity.


  1. My boys love this book! We have this one and a few others. Great reads.

  2. I didn’t know this book existed, and I can see how big Star Wars fans might enjoy it for introducing their little ones to the Star Wars universe. I personally am not a fan, but I always love books that get kids reading! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on!

  3. We’ve never really gotten into Star Wars but I think this sounds like a book my son would like. It would give him enough of the story to see if Star Wars is for him. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. This makes Star Wars look appealing. I find the films to be grossly overrated but putting it into 5 minute story format is rather quaint. (I always say the book is better than the movie!!)

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