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Today I am creating a simple monster art doll from ‘trash’ around the house. Because today’s adventure was creating using things around the house, I’ve linked up materials similar to the ones I’ve used, but please feel free to be resourceful and use what’s around you!

Products Used for Creating the Limbs:

Products Used for Creating the Body:

Products Used for Creating the Eyes:

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About Ariana Dagan

Welcome! I live in Northern California with my husband, daughter, and a dog. I'm an artist, crafter, illustrator, and creative mentor. I'm on a mission to create a culture of happier, thriving creators! I help others scratch that creative itch so you can reclaim your time, rediscover your identity, and reach new levels of success in your endeavors (and yes peace of mind is a VERY worthy endeavor). This site is a place to find value in your voice and strength to become the best version of yourself so you can go from simply existing day-to-day to LIVING ON PURPOSE through creativity.

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