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We all know the benefits of getting up early, and being productive before the stressers of the day beat us down. However, building up momentum to be effectively productive early in the morning is a learned trait. But if you can create a morning ritual to look forward to, your day will go much smoother! So let’s discuss 10 things you can do in the first hour of waking, that will create the perfect (and easy!) ritual to spark productivity!
1 | Drink water
If you only do one thing in the first hour you wake, make it drinking a cup of water. Besides hydrating you, drinking in the first hour will wake up your metabolism, and give your brain fuel which will provide you more energy to take on the day. It’s easy. Whether you like your water warm or cold, or with a lemon slice, just fill it up and chug, and it will give you the energy to move onto the second task.
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2 | Stretch it Out
Maybe you’re (trying to be) an early riser so you can get your daily workout in – that’s awesome! But if you’re not, you should still get some stretches in. Even two minutes of stretching will wake up your body, wake up your brain, and give you boundless energy first thing in the morning. Do a couple of your favorite yoga poses, or a run around the block or even a full on HIIT workout to get the blood flowing!
TIP: Working out doesn’t need to be expensive! Here are some tips to make it easy on the budget:
- Use older clothes to workout in
- A towel on the floor for grip
- Water jugs make great weights
- Chairs work as risers
- Turn on YouTube and free Apps for some amazing HIIT workouts!
3 | Get Fresh Air
A super easy way to wake up your brain is to step outside and take a nice deep breath of fresh air! Not only will the cold air wake up your brain, the deep breath will open up your lungs, giving you the confidence to stand tall and tackle the day!
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4 | Wash Your Face
No matter which step this becomes in your daily routine, it should definitely be in there somewhere. Nothing leaves you feeling ready for the day like a clean face. Wash the dirt and oils from the night away, and start your day off right. Whether you do it in the shower, or after your glass of water there is no reason not to do it! Keeping your face clean leaves your pores smaller, makes you less prone to acne, and leaves you feeling accomplished! Don’t forget to moisturize after to keep the hydration!
TIP: Tight on budget? Here are some wallet friendly ingredients for keeping clean!:
- Coconut oil is great for sensitive skin
- Oatmeal is perfect for combination skin
- Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing for acne prone skin
5 | Meditate
You don’t need to sit in a quiet corner and stop thinking (unless that’s your preference). But sitting quietly and taking in the moment can be life altering. By slowing your breathing and letting the energy of the morning in; you can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your creativity and boost your memory! Plus its free, takes on a few minutes to press pause on life and let the universe lead your way!
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6 | Plan your day

You don’t need to invest in a full on planner, you don’t need to consult your calendar, or time block your day (although if those work for you then please do it)! You just simply need to prepare yourself. Quickly take a moment to mentally scan your day; contemplate the places you will go, the people you will see, the tasks you need to complete. When possible try to combine things such as errands that need to be run in a close vicinity. Taking a moment to visualize your day will save you time during the rest of your day, and help you be more productive straight from the start.
These easy 6 tasks can be accomplished for free in the comfort of your own home, in less than 15 minutes total! So why not? Take 15 minutes (or multitask when you can) and start your day off right!
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What other quick tips would you add to this list?

This is so awesome!!! I love practical tips like this. Great post.
This mama needed to read this post. I needed some energy after being drained from the Holiday celebrations.
I love these tips, especially the fresh air. I love to step outside on my back porch and breathe in the morning air. Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJs!
[…] RELATED: 6 Ways to Spark Productivity in the First Hour of Waking] […]
[…] [RELATED: 6 Things to Do in the First Hour of Waking to Spark Productivity] […]
These are great ideas! Drinking water is key. I wish I drank more!
This is good I love it. The one thing I’m guilty of is not drinking water like right when I wake up I feel like the first thing I do is have coffee after showering and stuff. My morning are so rushed but I hope it gets to a point where I can actually do all these things especially meditation I feel like it would def help me get through the day ?
Great list! All good things and they are all do-able. The morning is my me-time and I love it 🙂 I know that this time is what sets the tone for my whole day, and therefore my whole life.
Great tips for productivity especially drinking water! Its insane how much difference it can make ?
That’s a great list. And I have to say that I noticed a huge change in my mornings since I started dumping my coffee grounds outside instead of into the trash inside. There’s something about that first bit of fresh air in the morning. Yoga is also amazing in the morning ?
I love these ideas and I try to do most of them each day. I love planning and use my planner daily to keep me on track and write my gratitudes in it. My day goes much better when I incorporate things first thing out of bed in the morning.
I love the bright colors on this post. I will try these tips too.
Thank you for the tips. I definitely need to add a few to my routine. Thanks for sharing on the Classy Flamingos party. Come visit us again this week we enjoyed your post.
[…] [RELATED: 6 Things to Do in the First Hour of Waking to Spark Productivity] […]
I’m not a morning person to begin with. Add 4 kids and sometimes I don’t know my name before noon lol.
This is a great list of simple to implement steps. I need to improve my mornings, and I think I’m going to set this routine as a 30 day challenge for myself!
I am not a morning person to begin with. Add in 4 kids and I sometimes don’t know what my name is until lunchtime lol.
This is a simple, easy to implement list. Going to try this routine as a 30 day challenge – I really need to improve my mornings, and this seems like a simple set of habits that I can adopt pretty painlessly!
I really needed this! I’ve been moving so slow lately and have little motivation. I definitely going to try to incorporate some of these to my routine.
I had a routine for a while of sitting in silence for a period of time to start my day. This post reminds me that I really need to get back into that! It was so effective in setting the tone for the day and I know I was also much more productive because of it!
I love these steps on what to do the first hour of waking up! I don’t drink water at all ?
Love these. Washing my face really helps me get the day started. I find that really wakes me up and gets me ready to start the day.
I really need to start mediating so I can get a grip on the day. Water is my morning go to…its something about drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. I love it and can’t do without it
Great tips! I definitely agree with all the points you’ve made. For me, I’d include saying a prayer to commit the days plans to God.
This was just a great list. I do practice meditation now a days. It helps me starting my day at a very positive note.
Stretching is so important and just takes a little time every day. I definitely think it recharges too, but I need to try to remember to do it more often!
I cannot manage to meditate before the kiddos are screaming for waffles, and the first thing I drink is coffee. I think I’m doing it wrong! But maybe I can set my alarm for 15 earlier for one week and see if I can change some habits…
I always try to wake up an hour before my family and either take a nice relaxing shower or sit on the deck and write. Then when I wake the kiddos up, I am calm, centered and ready!
[…] [RELATED: 6 Things to do in the First Hour of Waking to Spark Productivity] […]
Great ideas! I’ve heard of drinking water first thing in the morning, and I usually stretch because my body just needs it after a night of sleep! But It’s usually only for 30 seconds. I’ll have to make a point to stretch for longer, sounds like a great strategy for boosting creativity and also just waking up!
[…] [RELATED: 6 Things To Do In the First Hour of Waking to Spark Productivity (for free!)] […]
I LOVE this post! I hadn’t thought of using some of these tips to spark creativity but they look excellent!
I love these steps on what to do the first hour of waking up!
I try my best to drink water as soon as I open my eyes because I know it makes me feel so much better! I’ll be sure to follow these daily!!
Yes to all of this! I tend to reach for coffee first but in the days when I make myself drink water first, I feel so much better. Great tips for productivity!
[…] [RELATED: 6 Things to Do First Thing in the Morning to Spark Productivity] […]
I love all of these! My first thing I do in the morning is wish I could close my eyes and go back to sleep. So I lay there for 15 minutes and waste away time. I will definitely be trying these tomorrow!
[…] positive actions will add up resulting in a more positive demeanor! Whenever you get the chance to, productivity is a fantastic boost to your […]
Totally agree with 1, 2, and 5. I like to drink a glass of water with lemon or lime juice in the morning, do sun salutations and 5 minutes of the headspace app. Starts my day off right with waking up and readying my body and my mind.
Great suggestions! I have been incorporating 10 min of meditation every morning and it has really changed my outlook everyday!
[…] [RELATED: 6 Things to Do in the First Hour of Waking to Spark Productivity] […]
I really like to wake up before my family so that I can have 30 min to hour by myself. I like the quiet the morning brings. I do quite a bit of your list in this time so this list is perfect for me!!! Thank you for the added tips I am going to implement them!
[…] [RELATED: 6 Ways to Spark Productivity First Thing In The Morning!] […]
I find that it is easy to end up in a slump. These are nice ideas for keeping the productivity going. Thanks for sharing! Next time I find myself falling asleep in the afternoon in front of my computer, I’ll give some of these a try!
Yes to all of this! If I can do 3/4 of these completed every morning, I’m winning!
LOVE these! It’s so funny, I should try to get my elder daughter to do #1 (she always claims she’s “not hungry” but once she starts breakfast, finds she’s ravenous!) – and my younger always does #2 for at least a min or two before her feet even hit the floor! 🙂
Great tips! Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home. –Jennifer
I really need to drink more water!!! Thanks for the great info!
Each morning I always have a cup of coffee to start my day. Sit down for a little bit to plan everything. Then a good breakfast to better the day.
I always find that the period of time first thing in the morning is the perfect time to plan out my day – before the hustle and bustle sets in, distracting me entirely lol
Even if don’t get time to do the rest, I make sure that am hydrated enough to start the day!
These are great tips to have a more productive day! I love getting out and going for a walk in the morning.
That first hour is essential to your day.
ohman, i need all of this. i am SO SLOW to get moving in the morning, and i have four kids so i can’t afford to be lazy!
I try to always force myself to drink a glass of water before drinking a cup of coffee! I also need to add meditation into my routine and set my intentions for the day!