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When my husband and I found out we were pregnant, we were determined to be gender-neutral. We even vaguely considered not finding out the gender at all, but let’s face it, we were excited. We did great buying things in shades of gray and teal to match our space themed nursery…at first. The day of reckoning came and we were both so secretly excited for a girl, we ran to the nearest store and bought ALL THE GIRLY STUFF we could find. Oops. Her nursery these days resembles a mishmash of space/unicorn/frill, and I’m totally okay with that. Because here’s the thing, MY favorite color is pink. I have unicorns all over the house. But I’m hardly a stereotypical girl, sure I’m a homemaker. But I’m a homemaker who can do construction, build wooden bookshelves, and gets more excited in a hardware store than I do in a shoe store. Being surrounded by ‘girly stuff’ doesn’t change that and to me helping my daughter understand that as she grows up is far more important than forcing ‘gender-neutral’ from the start. Which leads me to this Posh Peanut review.

 At no cost to facilitate this and to use in these adorable pictures, I was sent the Black Rose Crib Sheet. Posh Peanut specializes in feminine elegance, with gorgeous floral patterns sure to make everyone swoon (seriously, I gasped when I opened the package)! The colors are rich and beautiful, and the design is stunning!
The crib sheet is made out of bamboo viscose so I knew it would be soft, but the buttery fabric was far beyond my expectations. In fact, its so soft I caught my lil stomper just laying down petting it a few times. I’d consider moving in with her if she wasn’t such an aggressive sleeper!
What I’m crazy excited about is the lack of shrinkage. I was terrified to wash these but when the time came, I was so thankful the sheets DIDN’T SHRINK and remained just as soft and stretchy as when they first came out of the package – plus, no bleeding! Now I’m excited to try all of their other products; everything from rompers to robes, changing table covers and swaddles! Which by the way, MATCH!Â
Their products are perfect for anyone with a vintage, feminine, girly, chic, or even simply a love for floral! I’m also excited to announce that they are testing out less traditionally feminine patterns, such as vintage dinosaurs! Highly recommended brand for anyone with a little girl in their lives, or trying to find a gift that is not only beautiful but will LAST! Find more Posh Peanut products on Amazon!
[RELATED: Children’s Book Reviews]

Disclosure: I (Ariana) received the Black Rose Crib Sheet at no cost to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own and may differ from yours.

where can i find one? i have searched all over
These crib sheets are adorable.
that is so so beautiful.. love those colors.. i would not mind having one for myself like that 🙂
That is way too pretty to be a crib sheet LOL! And no shrinking? Awesome.
That sheet is gorgeous! I wish I knew about this brand when my daughter was little!
This is the prettiest crib sheet! I have a little baby girl and may end up buying this in the near future!
What a gorgeous sheet! So pretty, and to be honest, I like patterns that hide messes when it comes to my kids. I love that the pattern isn’t a real “baby” theme either.
Such a great point! So many of my daughters sheets have lovely little stains that bleach won’t touch, and this pattern will hide all of them!
I love floral print! I have little boys so I’m not able to decorate their room with it. But it looked great for your little one’s crib.
Wow! I love the floral print so so soooo much! I love the vintage style. It’s so feminine and girlie. I may have to check into that brand for my daughter! I’m sure she’d love them!
This is the most adorable print and it would look gorgeous in my daughter’s nursery
Aaaaah! Those are GORGEOUS!