7 Inspiring Podcasts for writers by ariana dagan

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7 Inspiring Podcasts for writers by ariana dagan

I’m completely obsessed with podcasts; I have hundred’s  bookmarked, and listen to a good 8+ hours worth of podcasts each and every day. I love learning things while working, and podcasts allow me to do that. There are some fantastic podcasts out there, and some not quite as polished. I’ve been keeping track of my favorites from the last year, and I think its time I start sharing my favorites from different categories to help others!

In my opinion, it is important to listen to at least 5-8 episodes of a podcast before writing them off (yes, pun intended), I also always start at the beginning of the series. If I’m not a fan 3-ish in, I skip to the most recent to see if it evolved into something more of my interest. Putting yourself out there in a new medium can be terrifying, and if you’re learning new tools, brand new to hearing your voice recorded, and still trying to decide on the exact format – it can make things messy for the first few episodes. After about 5, people start building a decent cadence. A good podcast will continue evolving and changing regardless, but after the first 5, you should have a solid idea on whether or not you want to keep listening.

So let’s get started on my favorite podcasts for writers about the writing process, I will do a different list regarding the business of writing at another time! Please remember, these are in no way an exhaustive list and based solely on personal opinion (also, in no particular order)!

1 | 88 Cups of Tea | Website | iTunes | Stitcher

The host Yin Chang, is an actor, author, and producer. This is one of my favorites, its focused on storytellers in general – not always necessarily authors, but its extremely relevant to everyone. There’s quite a bit of business sprinkled in, but its heavy on tips and full of interviews with accomplished authors, screenwriters, and producers. The weekly episode lengths are all over the place – anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, and they can get a little emotional, but they are great so definitely check it out and give it a chance!

2 | Writing Excuses | Website | iTunes | Stitcher

This weekly podcast is hosted by Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Howard Tayle and is only 15-20 minutes long. Which means if you haven’t already checked out this infamous podcast – you seriously have no excuse not to. They’ve been around for quite some time, and for good reason. Their format and tips will get you writing in no time, with no excuses.

3 | The Creative Penn | Website | iTunes | Stitcher

Joanna Penn’s weekly podcast is crazy inspiring and has some of the best guest interviews and questions I’ve heard. Not to mention her website which is so full of resources for writers of all types and genres, you’d be insane not to have it bookmarked. I promise you’ll learn something in her shows, even if the topic doesn’t specifically relate to your genre. They are a little longer, about 1-1.5 hours but well worth it, and perfect for long car rides!

4 | Writing for Children | Website | iTunes | Stitcher

Produced by the Institute of Children’s Literature and hosted by Katie Davis, the show focuses on how to write children’s books and magazines, and the business involved. It’s pretty niche specific information, but I like the format and listener question segments and I think most of the information can go cross-genre! It’s a very clean, professional production so don’t expect a ton of personality, but lots of great information and the short 10-20 minute episodes are awesome. Plus, check out the website for other great resources!

5 | The Writer Files | Website | iTunes | Stitcher

Hosted by Kelton Reid, he covers writing from a neuroscience perspective in this weekly show averaging about an hour or so long episodes. It’s fascinating and incredibly helpful for battling writer’s block. It’s definitely different than anything else out there but the format is interesting, the interviews are awesome, and the podcast is full of great information and is well worth checking out!

6 | Dead Robots Society | Website | iTunes | Stitcher

Described as a gathering of writers helping other writers, this weekly show is currently hosted by Justin R. Macumber, Terry Mixon, and Paul E. Cooley (they’ve had a lot of host changes over the years). The episodes are a little longer, usually 1-1.5 hours and there is a little cussing occasionally. This format is a lot more free-flowing and unstructured than anything else on this list. It feels more like friends chatting, which is not bad for something just to run in the background while you’re working (or entertaining the children). Because of the ‘friendly’ format, it makes you feel part of the discussion and almost pressured to accomplish something just to keep up with everyone. This might not be everyone’s ‘cup-of-tea’ but I enjoy listening to the rambling, and you’d be surprised with the tips and information you come away with without realizing you are learning anything!

7 | The Everyday Novelist | Website | iTunes

J. Daniel Sawyer delivers a daily podcast that focuses on writing craft, discipline, publishing, and business. Most of the episodes are 5-10 minutes long and based on questions with quick answers. I think it’s a great resource to use as an FAQ search catalog. My personal complaint is the show isn’t available on Stitcher, which is the app I use. But I will occasionally listen through my browser and get caught up. If you have a question, just use the submission button on the website!

7 Inspiring Podcasts for writers by ariana dagan


So that’s it for my list! There are so many more out there for writers, including the business of writing (which I will cover another time), but I just had to narrow down to my favorites that I would recommend to anyone, whether you write short stories, novels, or blogs!

And don’t forget, if there are any podcasts you listen to and love, remember to leave a review everywhere you can find it! Those reviews help them get more listeners which keeps them on the air, and that benefits everyone!

Do you listen to any of these? What other podcasts for writers would you add to this list?  Drop a comment below and let me know!




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